Justice and Peace in the Israel-Palestine Conflict
The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine is one that has captured global attention, touching hearts and minds everywhere, including here in Malawi. The images of suffering and loss, the stories of families torn apart, and the destruction of communities are heart-wrenching. It is a conflict that raises questions about humanity, justice, and the way forward to peace.
In times like these, we are reminded of our shared responsibility to promote justice, support the vulnerable, and advocate for peace.
Justice is a value that all Malawians, regardless of faith, understand and cherish. The Quran underscores the significance of being fair and just: “O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah, even if it be against yourselves or parents and relatives” (Quran 4:135). Justice requires acknowledging the rights of all individuals and taking responsibility in condemning all acts of oppression and discrimination no matter where they occur.
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also taught about helping the oppressed and standing against injustice. He said: “Help your brother, whether he is an oppressor or he is oppressed.” When asked how to help an oppressor, he replied, “By preventing him from oppressing others.” (Bukhari). This teaching indicates that opposing injustice is a duty we all share, regardless of religion, and that advocating for peace is essential for the well-being of all communities.
The value of human life is sacred. The Quran states: “Whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely” (Quran 5:32). This verse serves as a reminder that every human life is precious. The loss of innocent lives, whether Palestinian or Israeli, is a tragedy that must be mourned and prevented.
Caring for one another is a principle we hold dearly here in Malawi, where communities often come together to support those in need. The idea of helping the vulnerable and promoting humanitarian aid, which is so central to Islamic teachings, is a value shared by people of all beliefs. Whether it involves providing emotional support while extending compassion to those affected by violence and conflict is a moral obligation.
The Quran emphasizes the importance of peace and reconciliation: “But if they incline to peace, then incline to it [also] and rely upon Allah” (Quran 8:61). As Malawians, we know the value of living in harmony with one another, whether in our villages, towns, or cities. We understand that lasting peace can only be achieved through dialogue, respect, and a commitment to addressing grievances justly.
Islamic teachings call on people to seek peaceful solutions and engage in meaningful dialogue. This message is not unique to Islam; it is a universal call that invites all of us to work together for a better future. Building bridges and fostering understanding are essential steps toward breaking the cycle of violence. By avoiding making controversial comments and calling for peace and justice as regards to Israel-Palestine war, we are assured of making ourselves a part of the solution and not the problem.