Some people rely on loans accompanied by interest charges. This practice is widely accepted and doesn’t appear inherently immoral. However, Islam strictly prohibits interest. Why does Islam forbid interest despite its acceptance in the modern world?
Interest corrupts the human soul and diverts it from its true purpose, turning individuals into slaves of money. It blinds them to the more profound aspects of life, making them solely focused on wealth. This obsession with money hinders productivity, encourages idleness, and undermines the principle of benefiting others and fulfilling one’s aspirations. In today’s world, grappling with economic challenges, the dangers of interest and its role in global economic crises are increasingly evident. As Muslims, it is essential to avoid loans that involve interest payments. Engaging in such transactions is akin to waging a war against Allah Ta’ala, and ultimately, it will not lead to success. The Qur’an reinforces the prohibition of usury in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:275): “Those who devour usury will not stand except as stand one whom the devil has driven to madness by (his) touch. That is because they say: ‘Trade is just like usury,’ whereas Allah permits trading and forbids usury.”