Some Muslim brothers have set up pages on Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp in which they announce funerals taking place in their locations. Is this regarded as coming under the heading of death announcements that are forbidden? Question
What is the Islamic ruling on graduation ceremonies be it Islamic studies or academic? What should the graduating Muslim do upon this occasion? Question
My brother owns an apartment. Two men rented one. For several months they did not pay the rent. Later, one of them was arrested. My brother went to the other man to ask him for the rent, but he said that he was not responsible. My brother later evicted him and seized television sets. What is the ruling on that? Question
Islamic weights and measures and modern equivalents. What are the equivalents of the Mudd, Saa‘, Bareed, Dhiraa‘, Farsakh, and Qullah in modern terms? Question
A tenant is using my residential house as a meeting point for prostitution. What is your advice? Question