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Malawi2063 (MW2063) has begun its journey and achieving its objectives would necessitate collaboration. Unity, rather than discrimination or superiority claims, drives development. Ending corruption, for example, necessitates concerted efforts, and no one sector of society is in a better position ...

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Malawi2063 (MW2063) has begun its journey and achieving its objectives would necessitate collaboration. Unity, rather than discrimination or superiority claims, drives development. Ending corruption, for example, necessitates concerted efforts, and no one sector of society is in a better position ...

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The migration of people - individuals, families, and tribes - has molded and transformed humanity's history. People have migrated for a number of reasons, including economic, political among others. What is the Islamic moral and legal perspective on the challenges ...

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During the period 2011-2020, the United Nations (UN) established the Decade of Action for Road Safety, with the goal of halving the number of road traffic deaths by 2020. Road accidents, on the other hand, are on the rise in ...

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Almost every religion, in some form or another, ponders the origins of the universe. Perhaps they all believe that creation is a divine act that should be treated as such. While the COP26 in Glasgow is not the be-all and ...

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