Constitution With Provisions For Social Fairness.
It would be appropriate to write about Ramadan during this month. Instead, we concentrate on the life of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him), who is credited with Islam. In other words, while Ramadan is simple to comprehend, many people are still perplexed by the dawn that brought Muhammad into the world (Peace be upon Him). As a result, how can such a conundrum be resolved?
The birth of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) and the beginning of his Prophethood was not simply the birth of a Prophet, nor was it the creation of a new nation, nor was it even the start of a new period. It was the beginning of a brand-new world that would last until the end of time.
Many people on the face of the earth, and Malawi in particular, have little understanding of this great Prophet of God’s life and purpose, as well as his historical significance in the world we live in. Discover Islam tries to emphasize a brief summary of his biography for the general public for this reason.
The words spoken about him are endless, but the goal of this article is to preserve the story as true and straightforward as possible. It is meant to serve as a primer for individuals who are learning about the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) for the first time.
Imagine if his most vehement critics had to confess that there was no flaw in his character or integrity. Non-Muslim scholars and historical leaders praised him and attested to his accomplishments. “If greatness of purpose, the smallness of means, and astounding results are the three criteria to assess human brilliance, who would pretend to compare any great figure in recent history with Muhammad?” wrote Lamartine, a renowned historian, in his lengthy tribute to the Prophet Muhammad.
As previously stated, the praise for him is boundless, but perhaps most telling of all, Gandhi, a non-Muslim, wrote in his homage, “I grew more than ever certain that it was not the sword that gained a place for Islam in those days.” It was the Prophet’s strict simplicity, complete self-effacement, and profound commitment to his friends and followers. These, not the ‘sword,’ carried everything in front of them and overcame every challenge.
The Madinah constitution, which the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) drafted with the multi-religious people of Madinah shortly after his arrival, is a shining model for countries striving for social fairness to this day. All people of any belief, race, ethnicity, or genealogy were guaranteed and encouraged to cooperate and form alliances under the constitution.
This proposed constitution included provisions for social fairness. But why did it include social justice concerns? “God demands justice, the performing of good, and liberality to kith and kin,” says God Almighty in the Noble Qur’an, “and He bans all despicable crimes, injustice, and rebellion” (15:90).
Let it be known if someone (Muslim) does injustice, insults, aggravates, mistreats, or abuses a person of the people of the Book (Christians and Jews) protected by the state, he will have to account for his immoral deed on the Day of Judgment,” the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) recommended.
The more you read about Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him), the more human you become. In his last address, the Prophet Muhammad affirmed freedom for everyone, the sanctity of life, equality for all races, women’s rights and obligations, and so on.
Despite the fact that such a pronouncement was made fourteen hundred years ago, the United Nations Charter on Human Rights was written in the 1940s. You will devote your honest heart to this greatest individual in human history if you read about him.