Individuals as well as institutions such as media houses may be tempted to copy materials from others. Is there a copy right law in Islam as some people say that knowledge is a common property as the Hadith mentions that: Wisdom is the lost property of a believer, it is his, wherever he may find it (Tirmizi)? Question
Is it allowed or accepted in Islam for people to use Viagra or other kinds of drugs to enhance their sexual pleasure? Question
Can we pray while wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) that covers the entire body? How can a person do Wuzu properly while in PPE, if he breaks his Wuzu and cannot open the suit, especially doctors who are busy working? Question
What is prescribed for the Muslim to do in these days when the coronavirus COVID -19 is creating fears and how can Allah Ta’ala relieve us of this calamity? Question
Do hand sanitizers that are used come under the same heading as the kinds of perfumes which it is not permissible for a woman to use if there are men around who could smell it? Question